Hometown Heating Customer Testimonials

Testimonials from our Customers

Hear what our customers are saying about our technicians and services

Martha S. via Google

Have had this service since 2003 and they have been outstanding. Any time I have had a concern or needed service they have responded. I highly recommend them.

Tammy R. via Facebook

The absolute BEST oil company.....ever! I have been to a few others in the area, but not one of them can provide the exceptional service provided by Hometown. I will never go anywhere else.

Nicholas B. via Google

We've been using Hometown Heating for a year and a half. They're very friendly and always know just the right time to deliver oil. Right after we moved into our house and before we had really established Hometown as our oil service, we had a leak in our oil tank that I noticed during off hours. They came to check it out and then came back to transfer the oil to a holding tank and then came back again to install a new oil tank. Despite all of that, they only charged us for the installation of the new oil tank. Thanks!

Bruce & Cindy D. via Google

Staff are polite and always respond quickly when there is an emergency. We have worked with Hometown for many years and are always pleased with their service.

Lori L. via HomeAdvisor

They worked on everything in my house and did the whole system, tankless hot water heater, and many other things. They were absolutely excellent!

Kelly K. via Facebook

Great service, as always! Found a leak in the boiler at 6:00 on New Year’s Eve; by 7:15 the tech had fixed the problem and was on his way to the next call. So grateful for honest, efficient, and friendly local service. Thank you so much!

Wini S. via Facebook

They moved their entire Friday schedule to put in a oil tank and not have to charge me time and a half. Thank you hometown, your response and service is excellent!

David O. via Facebook

Great company that takes very good care of their customers. Very prompt with their deliveries and service, and their knowledge of the industry is second to none.

Jeff H. via Google

A pleasure to do business with! Always great!

Hometown Heating, LLC, Fuel Oil, Brooklyn, CT